UN special rapporteur arrives addresses human rights issues in Kashmir

By Agence India Press,

Srinagar: The United Nations special rapporteur on human rights, Margaret Sekaggya on Wednesday met a cross section of people on the first day of her two day visit to this summer capital.

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Margaret Sekaggya, the United Nations on Human Rights rapporteur met victims of violence and also addressed a meeting convened by the social activists.

The meeting was held under the banner of ‘Civil Society Consultation with the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders’.

While talking to the media, she said that after the meeting, the victims and the human rights activists she would submit a report to Human Rights Council in Geneva.

“At the end of our visit, we shall assess the situation, write a report and shall present to the Human Rights Council in Geneva,” said Sekaggya.

She further said that the recommendations of the report could be implemented to improve human rights situations in the region.

“The report makes recommendations, which helps to improve the situation of the human rights defenders in the country. And it can be used to implement the recommendations on the ground in the country where we have visited,” added Sekaggya.

Meanwhile, human rights and civil society groups of the valley expressed hopes that the Sekaggya’s visit would help them to highlight key cases of human rights violations in the state.

Sekaggya itinerary also includes meetings with top State officials including the Home Secretary and Director General of Police.