Muslims in Muzzafarnagar demand reservation

By Md. Ali,,

Muzzafarnagar (UP): In a development manifesting the political aspirations of Muslims of Western UP, more than 20 thousand people came under the banner of Kulhind Muttahida Mahaz on Sunday to demand 20% reservation for Muslims in India. The rally which was organized under the slogan of “Reservation Do, Vote Lo (Give reservation to Muslims and then only you can take vote)” was participated by Muslims from different parts of Western Uttar Pradesh and Muslim leaders from across the state.

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Muslim leaders on stage, Zakir Ali Rana (Fourth from L)

All the speakers highlighted the socio-economic backwardness of Muslims in the country and criticised central as well as state governments for doing almost nothing to change the unfortunate picture of the community which they said is “same across the country with very few exceptions.”

“It’s a sad reality but the backwardness of Muslims has been highlighted again and again by Sachar Committee and Ranganath Mishra Commission reports. A big section of Indian Muslims is affected by poverty, illiteracy, unemployment, to name a few problems,” Zakir Ali Rana, president of Muttahida Mahaz said while addressing the crowd.

Zakir Rana addressing the gathering

“We demand reservation on the basis of socio-economic backwardness of Muslims and not on the basis of religion because as we all know that reservation on the basis of religion is not possible,” Mr. Rana further added.

Appealing to the crowd to support Muttahida Mahaz, Mr. Rana promised that the Mahaz won’t be like any other party which forgets Muslims once it tastes power, “we are here to serve people because Allah has given me enough material resources,” said the CEO of Rana Heavy Industries.

Mr. Rana also demanded the government of UP to immediately reappoint the 5000 Urdu teachers who were appointed by the Mulayam Singh led Samajwadi Party government in 2006. These appointments were stayed by the Mayavati government immediately after becoming the Chief Minister of the state in 2008. The matter is pending in the Supreme Court these days after the Allahabad High Court gave verdict in favor of the Urdu teachers.

Maulana Usman Beig, president All India Imam Council, highlighted the double standards of the government in providing reservation to those belonging to Schedule Caste Muslims.

“How can it be that a Hindu dhobi (washerman) gets Schedule Caste status but he is denied this status when he converts to Islam and he thereby loses the constitutional privileges awarded to persons belonging to Schedule Castes?” questioned Maulana Beigh.

He was referring to the Presidential Order of 1950 that denies SC status to Dalit Hindus when they convert to Islam or Christianity.

The participants of the rally passed resolution demanding immediate declaration of AMU as a minority institution and acquittal of all the Muslim youths falsely implicated in terror cases. The resolution also demanded the state government to relax the norms for registration of newly established minority schools and religious institutions.

Those who spoke at the occasion included Abu Affan, president Aligarh Muslim University Students Union (AMUSU), Salim Qasmi from Deoband, Jamil Ahmad Advocate and Maulana Muzzammil.