By Mohd. Ismail Khan,,
Hyderabad: Majestic Mecca Masjid, the pride of Hyderabad stands at the peak of its splendor during the days of Ramzan, as if grandeur of Ramzan is raining on the mosque. The devotion surrounded to the grand old mosque in Hyderabad is kind of reminiscent to the Mecca in the world.
But the most stunning scene of all is at the time of Iftar, where nearly 10,000 Muslims, men women and children gather to break their fast. The number increases to about 15,000 on Fridays, and in the last days of the holy month. One important reason why this historic mosque attracts such a huge crowd for Iftar is the evergreen Pathergatti cloth market which does billion rupees business during Ramzan. It is no surprise to note that an estimated 2000 women break their fast every day in the ‘Sehan’ of Mecca Masjid during the ending days of the holy month when the shopping craze is at its height.

Apart from scrubbing the mosque, special arrangements are made during the period of Ramzan, special Shamiyanas (tents) are sprawled in the whole courtyard, giving an exceptional touch to the beauty of the mosque. Mosque administration provides free dates and drinking water to the ‘Rozedars’. Hyderabad metropolitan water sewage board (HMWSB) supplies chilled mineral drinking water and around 150 kg dates are distributed in the whole month by Masjid administration. All this arrangements are made from the Rs.35 lakh sanctioned by the state govt. for the month of Ramzan.
As soon as it is six in the evening Iftari, Haleem, Dahiwada, and Meethai vendors take their positions in the middle of the courtyard. In addition to this several other dishes get fried in the ‘Kaddai’ (fry pan) set near the veranda of the mosque to serve hot dishes to rozedars.

When clock shows time near for Iftar crowd starts gathering in the mosque, some carrying tiffins, others fruits in plastic bags, while some others were busy buying dishes offered in the courtyard by small vendors. In no time the whole courtyard gets fully packed with people putting mats on the ground or even takes a seat without any cloth beneath and form groups, even the Mazars (tombs) of Nizams were not spared by the late comers. The historic Chabutras (varandas) come in demand and only the early arrivals can take a luxury of breaking the fast on the Chabutras which carry tag of legends and the scars of the horrific bomb blasts. Some youngsters get busy in doing Wazu (ablution) before breaking the fast but they don’t forget to advice their companions to find and capture some place.
Finally the Iftar in the ‘Sahen’ of Mecca Masjid becomes a virtual picnic and a get-together for hundreds of families. Many families make their own enclosed circles while a group of friends is comfortable with idea of calling strangers and Sharing their Iftari with them.

For Syed Mubeen, a waiter in a nearby tea stall it is a daily routine in Ramzan to have iftar in Mecca masjid. He says “Every iftar is a new experience here, sometimes when I am not having anything I joined in with total strangers to break my fast, when I bring my bit of iftar I invite others to share it with them.”
Mohd Ghouse, a petty crockery vendor said he enjoyed having Iftar in Mecca masjid more than at his home, “Having a bite in the company of thousands of other people is altogether a different experience.” For Mohd Masood a first timer it is totally a different scene, he stopped on his way home especially to have iftar in Mecca masjid. “It doesn’t seem like Mecca masjid which we were used to, it is completely different picture here” he said in amusement.

Meanwhile, desperate eyes turn down to the hands in Dua while others look towards their wrist watch waiting patiently for the Siren from the minarets. Some mothers console their children not to put hands on Iftari before the sound of great horn, little children look with amazement wondering why all the adults were freeze down.
As the siren blows devout break their fast and neighboring circles pass each other different dishes from their surplus. After 10 minutes of active eating Azaan from Mecca masjid and different next-door mosques trawled the whole environment ordering devotes to come for prayer. People who were waiting patiently near the fountain hearing the Muazzins call started assembling in the mosque for prayer while others both men and women get busy in performing ablution.
Men offer their prayer behind the Shahi Imam while women pray individually in the congested space in the hall of Nizam’s tombs.

After the prayers Masjid takes time to get into its normal course, people collect their sleepers kept in the safe hands of beggars while paying them reward for their loyalty, women go to collect in the security cabin their belongings which were not allowed inside. Some other friends have chit chat sitting in the courtyard having Haleem or Ghawa (Arabic tea).
For this holy month govt. has to increase the salaries of the employees in Mecca masjid, the reason was clear on the face, when one witnesses Masjid cleaning staff clearing debris with the help of coconut tree leafs which was left scattered in the whole square.