Teenaged girl helps nab traffickers on tip from TV serial


Patna : A teenaged girl saved herself and another girl from the clutches of human traffickers in the Bihar capital after she sensed trouble, thanks to scenes she recalled from her favourite Hindi TV serial on crime investigation, police said Friday.

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Police arrested Mohd Shahjahan and his wife Suman Thursday on charges of human trafficking and recovered Salma Khatoon and Ayesha Bano (changed names) from their clutches.

“I saved myself and another girl of my age after raising an alarm. I grew suspicious after hearing Shahjahan speaking to someone on the phone and telling the person at the other end to strike a deal for us,” said Salma, 16.

Salma told IANS that she remembered a scene from the TV serial CID when she overheard the phone conversation.

“I started crying loudly in the park, and requested people around to protect us and inform the police. That worked in our favour,” Salma said.

Salma, who hails from a village in neighbouring Uttar Pradesh and Ayesha, who belongs to a village in Bihar’s Gaya district, were lured by Shahjahan, who promised to marry one of them and help the other get a job.

Both Salma and Ayesha told police that they left their homes because they were angry with their families.

“I was living with my brother and sister-in-law in Bangalore. I decided to leave because I was angry with my sister-in-law. I boarded a train for Santkabir Nagar in Uttar Pradesh and reached Patna railway station two days ago. I met Shahjahan here, and he promised to help,” Salma said.

Patna railway station police incharge officer Rampukar Singh said both girls were brought to the park so a deal could be settled for them.

Shahjahan confessed that Salma was to be sold for Rs.1 lakh and Ayesha for Rs.30,000. A deal had been struck with a man in Nalanda district.

“Salma commanded a high rate because she is fair-complexioned and healthy. Ayesha, in comparison, is dark,” Singh said.

Singh said the girls would soon be returned to their families, who have already been contacted.