TNTJ youths take out anti-dowry rally defying police order

By TCN News,

Coimbatore: The student wing of Tamilnadu Thowheed Jamath (TNTJ), Coimbatore chapter, organised an Anti-Dowry Rally on 5th February. Earlier the city police had issued ban on the rally. However, defying the ban more than 500 people including 200 students of TNTJ participated in the rally.

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Both young men and women pledged to the Almighty Allah that they will not take dowry for themselves or their children or give dowry to their children.

The police had claimed that this rally will create a spark and there will be a law and order problem. TNTJ has clearly communicated to the higher officials that this rally is only to create awareness among the society about the evil effect of dowry and to get them out of this social evil. Still police had started arresting the people and the people who were arrested were accommodated in nearby marriage hall. Police refused to arrest the students below 18 years. All arrested people were released by 9:30 PM.

Participants were holding the placards depicting evil effects of dowry in the community and it showed their voices against the dowry.

The rally and anti-dowry campaign was led by the state secretary moulavi Rahamatullah and district executives of TNTJ.

Speaking to media persons Student wing secretary Mr. Ajmal said, TNTJ is organising such campaign against social evils like smoking, drugs, dowry, female infanticide etc.

Dowry is a social evil and every one of the community shall be a part of it and Tamilnadu Thowheed Jamath is striving hard to eliminate the scourge of dowry from the community. He added that such kinds of rally will be organised in future in a bigger level.