By TCN News,
New Delhi: Hazrat Syed Muhammed Izhar Ashraf, Chief Patron of All Indian Ulama and Mashaikh Board (AIUMB) and a Sufi Islamic scholar of international repute passed away on Wednesday 22nd February 2012, leaving thousands of his followers in deep mourning. He was 78. He was under treatment at Ismailia Hospital in Mumbai and he took his last breath there.
His Namaz e Janaza (funeral prayer) was led by his elder son and President of AIUMB Hazrat Syed Mehmood Ashraf on 24th Feb 2012 at Kichocha Shareef in Ambedkar Nagar district of Uttar Pradesh. He is survived by three sons – Syed Mahmood Ashraf, Syed Mohammad Ashraf, Syed Hammad Ashraf and one daughter Bibi Zobaida.
Hazrat Syed Izhar Ashraf was the Sajjadah Nashin of Khanquah Ashrafia Hasania. He had become Sajjadah Nashin of the Khanquahe in 1996 after serving it as Wali Ahad Janashin for 47 years. He was said to be the 38th descendant of Prophet Mohammed.

Hazrat Syed Mohd. Izhar Ashraf (1934-2012) [Photo Courtesy:]
Birth and Primary Education
He was born to Alhaj Maulana Mufti Syed Shah Mukhtar Ashraf and Bibi Sanjida in 1355 AH (1934) at Kichowcha Sharif.
In accordance with the tradition of family, when he attained the age of four years four month and four days, his auspicious Bismillah Khani was performed by his father in a very colorful and spiritual surroundings. Many dignitaries like Hazrat Syed Mohammad Mohaddis Azam Hind were present. This ceremony ended on Fateha Khani and prayer for his perfect knowledge and bright future.
As his ancestors, father and grandfather, he started his early education at home and then at Madrasa Ashrafia Kichowcha Sharif. His father took special care of education as he was to be his Wali Ahad Janashin and after him Sajjadah Nashin of Khanquahe Ashrafia Hasania Sarkar-e-Kalan Kichowcha Sharif. From the very beginning of his education, he was always punctual and attentive to his studies.
Higher Education
After completing primary education at Kichowcha Sharif, he was sent to Darul Uloom Ashrafia Mubarakpur Azamgarh, U.P. for higher education of Darse Nezamia. He devoted his full attention to his studies to gain proficiency in every subject of theology. He completed Fazilat in 1959.
Teaching Work
He was instinctively inclined to teaching work. He first wanted to be well versed in all subjects of theology and then start the work of Makhdoom Ashraf’s mission. For this he joined Jamia Naimia without salary. He began to teach middle books of Nezamia. But he could not continue it for long and left teaching work after one year due to unavoidable circumstances.
Assignment of Khanqah
His father Maulana Syed Md. Mukhtar Ashraf, as head of the Khanqah Ashrafia Hasania, was facing cases lodged against Khanquah by the opposite party and above all prorogation of Silsila Ashrafia. Feeling his revered father’s loneliness and a number of responsibilities on his weak shoulder, Syed Izhar Ashraf left teaching work and stepped in the practical field. His dynamic personalities, his new way of thinking for the development of Silsila and Khanquah highly impressed his father. Seeing his capability and sincerity, he handed over full responsibility of it to him.
He developed the Khanqah with lots of construction work for the followers and faithfuls who would visit it at annual urs.
Hazrat Ashrafi Mian had established Madrasa Ashrafia in Khanquah and his son Hazrat Maulana Ahmad Ashraf wished to make it second Jamia Azhar of Egypt in India naming Jamia Ashraf. But his pre matured death left his dream unfulfilled.
Syed Muhammed Izhar Ashraf convened an educational convention in 1978 in Khanquahe Ashrafia Hasania and presented the programme of Jamia Ashraf. He did not wait for the construction of building for it, the teaching started in the rooms of Khanquah e Ashrafia in Shawwal 1979. The education started from Fazil class. And over the years it developed into vast full-fledged university consisting besides all a huge Mukhtar Ashraf Library and Ashraf Hussain Museum.
Religious Services
He established many madrasas in different places and had been patronizing in order to make these Madrasas central place of Sunniat and Ashrafiat. For example Madrasa Ashrafia Izhar-uloloom Machipur is a famous Madrasa patronized by him and now by Hazrat Maulana Syed Mahmood Ashraf WaliAhad Janashin.
Following Madrasas have been established by him: –
1. Madrasa Mukhtaruloloom chirayya chowk baisi Purnia.
2. Madrasa Ashrafia Izharuloloom Bahadurganj Purnia.
3. Madrasa Ahsrafia Izharuloloom Khushamadpura Maligaon.
4. Madrasa Ashrafia Gulshane Kabir Bhagalpur.
Literary Work
He had deep interest in poetry. A compilation of his Nat, Manquabat and Ghazal has published as “Izhare Haquiquat”. Syed Amin Ahsraf, former reader of English at AMU, wrote in his review of the work: “The creator of Izhare Haquiquat is desirous of knowledge of reality and eager of observation of allegiance of Mustafa( S.A.W). The heart of Aarif (Holy man) is the corner where there is truth of the universe. Shaikh-e-Azam’s Naat is free of excess and deficiency and inconsistent imagination; no conflict with shariat (Revealed law) in his Nat and drowned in love of the Prophet.”