By Sayema Sahar,
State Govt. did not implement corrective measures to implement Criminal justice System or correct anti-minority posture of the police officers, said R.B. Sreekumar, ex DGP, Gujarat.
In his 9th affidavit filed before the Nanvati Commission on 12th January 2012, R. B. Sreekumar very explicitly states that the Chief Minister Narendra Modi and the then Minister of State for Home, Goardhan Zadaphia could be prosecuted under IPC section 166 in relation with the 2002 riots.
Mr. Sreekumar has urged the commission to take necessary action on his latest filed affidavit.
Further in his affidavit, Mr. Sreekumar states “The Hon’ble Supreme Court observations in Zahira Shaikh V/s. State of Gujarat, are totally in agreement with my situation assessment reports about the debilitating trends in the Gujarat State Administration, appended in my Affidavits. The Apex Court commented that “The modern day “Neros” were looking elsewhere when Best Bakery and innocent children were burning….and were deliberating how the perpetrators of the crime can be saved or protected. Ample evidence on record, glaringly demonstrating subversion of justice delivery system with no congeal or conducive atmosphere still prevailing.”
Mr. Sreekumar further says the “Govt. did not question information in my reports and my supervisory officers also did not ask me to furnish any clarification or explanation on inputs in my reports. This had established that the Govt. had accepted my intelligence assessment reports.”
The above facts will categorically establish that DGP, Home Dept. officials, MOS Home and Chief Minister were culpable for offence under section 166 IPC. Many riot victims feel that unfortunately so far SIT probing into major riot cases and complaint by Mrs. Zafri against the CM and 62 others had taken legally ill-founded and ethically sinful posture of conveniently avoiding to take cognizance of substantial valid evidence against the Chief Minister and others who were responsible for the subversion of the CJS, through multifarious actions, elaborated in my Affidavits, says Mr. R. B. Sreekumar in his 9th affidavit to Nanavati Commission.
(The writer is a Delhi-based journalist, can be contacted on [email protected])