By TCN News,
Lucknow: In the history of Indian press, Al-Hilal is like a minaret of light. Through Al-Hilal, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad made the Indian society aware on one hand and inspired and encouraged the freedom struggle on the other, said Prof Malikzada Manzoor, renowned litterateur and critic in his key speech at Al-Hilal centenary celebrations organized by Lucknow Campus of Maulana Azad National Urdu University on 12th July.
Prof. Manzoor said Al-Hilal on one hand covered international issues and on the other represented the national and community sprits and feelings. He said the freedom struggle of India cannot be imagined without Al-Hilal.

In his presidential speech, Prof Sharib Rudaulwi said Maulana Azad wanted to take Muslims out of inferiority complex towards mainstream and wanted to turn the fear and hopelessness of the defeat in the first war of independence into a bright future. Azad was broad hearted both in views and thoughts. He changed course of journalism which was limited to just reporting. Hence Al Hilal was not a paper of news but thoughts.
Dr Abdul Quddoos, in-charge of Lucknow campus of MANUU welcomed the guests. He said the services of Maulana Azad in literature, politics and journalism are unforgettable. He said Al-Hilal is an important point in the history of Indian press.
Dr Umair Manzar of MANUU anchored the program.