Missionaries making Kashmir youths drug addicts: Syed Ali Gilani

By TCN News,

Sri Nagar: A delegation from Khudai Khidmatgar and National Alliance for People’s Movement (NAPM) recently met Hurriyat Conference leader Syed Ali Shah Gilani during his house arrest in Sri Nagar. Gilani talked with the delegation on various issues concerning Kashmir and Kashmiris. He made some allegations against missionaries, agencies and NGOs who have come from outside Kashmir and according to him are harming the local culture and youths.

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The Delegation consisted of Social Activist Faisal Khan of NAPM, Shanawaz Mir, Mohammed Anas and Inamul Hasan of Khudai Khidmatgar.

Social Activist Faisal Khan, Shanawaz Mir and Inamul Hasan discussing with Hurriyat Conference Chairman Syed Ali Shah Gilani at Sri Nagar [Photo by Mohd. Anas]

In a statement, Khudai Khidmatgar said that the Hurriyat leader said NGOs and agencies which are here in the name of voluntary services are destroying the traditional and cultural values of Kashmir. He also alleged that some of the agencies and missionaries are doing forceful conversion by offering money and rewards to the people as well as making the youths addicted to liquors and drugs. This he said could lead to social disturbance in the society. According to Khudai Khidmatgar, the Kashmiri leader urged NGOs coming from several parts of India to Kashmir, to first concentrate on their own places since various issues are unsolved with Minorities, Scheduled Caste and Tribals. He openly said that his organization has no interest in supporting non-Kashmir organization.

Gilani also highlighted violence being committed by security agencies. He said that according to Government statistics about Kashmir, the year 2011 was peaceful because there was less violence, but in the same year the 300 to 350 Kashmiri youths were shot dead by Armed Forces, he alleged.

He urged the delegation to forward the feelings of Kashmiris to the Central Government that “we want to live freely and peacefully without any form of violence; we are demanding the Government of India to give us Right to Self Determination and Right to Life.”