By Mohd. Ismail Khan,,
Hyderabad: Religious scholars urged people to follow the path of peace and brotherhood. They made the appeal at a seminar organized by ‘Payam-e-Insaniyat Forum and Charitable Trust’ which was launched by late Maulana Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi, better known as Ali Mian in the Indian Muslim community.
The topic of the seminar was ‘Our society and our responsibilities’. It was presided by Maulana Abdullah Hasani Nadwi. Maulana Mohsin Osman Nadwi gave a welcome speech and informed the audience about the aim and work of Tahreek Payam-e-Insaniyat.

Prof Kanchaliah, guest of honor and head of the Department of Studies of Social Inclusion and Exclusion Maulana Azad National Urdu University started the program with his moving speech. He describe Islam as religion of brotherhood and peace, he said “when Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) was spreading brotherhood among Arabs, here in India 80% of the population was untouchables, it is due to the Islam which entered India by trade that Dalits got respect in the society by Muslims which moved them to convert to Islam. He said “Islam is the only religion in the world which regulates every aspect of the man’s life in order to promote equality of opportunities”. He urged the Muslims to read and learn more about Dr B.R. Ambedkar and Dalit movement because in the coming future there is going to be a deep cooperation between Muslims and Dalits in India to the change the society.
The chief guest of the program Swami Laxmi Shankaracharya, national president of Bhartiya Janseva Party and founder of Hindu Muslim Ekta Manch gave an enlightening speech. He started his speech by praising Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) and by saying, humanity is the other name of Islam, he said “it is the duty of every Muslim according to their religion to save and protect the humanity, Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) always forgave his enemies and showed patience when he was harmed by others, this was his moral teachings which made Islam an international religion”.

Cautioning Hindus and Muslims from bad elements in the society, he said “there are some people in every religion who want to follow the British way of divide and rule in order to achieve their partisan plans. A good Hindu or a Muslim never fights. Those elements who don’t have knowledge of their own religion get involved in communal riots and crime against humanity”.
The general secretary of the Tahreek Payam-e-Insaniyat Abdullah Hasani Nadwi asked the Muslims to follow the principles of Islam and seek guidance from Quarn and Hadees. He said “the religion Islam asks its followers to help the week, poor and needy. And even regulates their personal lives by making it obligatory for every Muslim to take care of its old age parents unlike other religion, thus a follower of Islam can never escape from its social responsibilities and obligation towards its society”.
The program was organized in the Gandhi Bahavan, Prakasham hall which was attended by huge crowd, including large number of Hindus and Muslims.