AMU VC donates blood, teachers and students follow

By TCN News,

Aligarh: True to glorious Traditions of Indian Army of setting the example of inspirational leadership, Vice Chancellor of Aligarh Muslim University Lt. General Zameer Uddin Shah (Retd.) donated one unit of blood in a blood-donation camp organized by the Resident Doctors’ Association (RDA) in collaboration with the Blood Bank, Department of Pathology, J. N. Medical College, Aligarh Muslim University here today.

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In order to inspire students and staff of AMU, Lt. General Shah donated blood in spite of the age limit suggested by the medical science. Dr. S. H. Arif, Incharge, Blood Bank said that a healthy person can donate blood disregarding the age factor. However, the Vice Chancellor’s move was a daring one and the youth of the University should take lessons from him, Dr. Arif added.

Lt. General Zameer Uddin Shah, Vice Chancellor of Aligarh Muslim University inaugurating the Blood Donation Campt at JN Medical College at AMU on 1st Sept. 2012

Later, Lt. General Shah visited the Blood Bank, Department of Pathology and Medical College Library. He said that the Medical College and University schools were on his top priority and he was trying hard to garner more and more financial support from different channels for the hospital and hoped there will be remarkable up-gradation in the facilities at the Medical College hospital.

Dr. Murad, President, RDA said that the objective behind organizing the camp was to collect blood to help the poor and save their life from the shortage of blood.

Lt. General Zameer Uddin Shah, Vice Chancellor of Aligarh Muslim University donating blood at the Blood Donation Camp

Prof. M. H. Beg, Dean, Faculty of Medicine, Prof. M. Ashraf Malik, Principal and CMS, Prof. Veena Maheshwari, Chairman, Department of Pathology, Prof. Haris Mansoor Khan, Medical Superintendent, RDA Vice President Dr. Syed Shabbir Ahmad, General Secretary Dr. Mehfooz Alam, Treasurer, Dr. Sarfraz Nawaz, Joint Secretary Dr. Shahnawaz Bashir and a large number of faculty members and students were also present on this occasion.

About 60 resident and junior doctors donated blood at the camp adding around 60 unit blood to the blood bank.