Homage paid to Ustad Sibte Jafar in Lucknow

By Syed Hasan Zia Rizvi, TwoCircles.net,

Lucknow: A rich tribute was paid to legend elegy writer, poet and soazkhwan (Elegy Reciter) of Shiite world Sibte Jafar, who was murdered in the ongoing shia target killing in Karachi, Pakistan.

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A city based NGO, Maulayi Lovers of Ahlebai Association (MLAA), organized a condolence gathering, where many scholars and renowned poets of Lucknow had assembled.

Maulana Mirza Mohammad Ashfaq, Member of All India Shia Personal law board, Maulana Athar, Maulana Mumtaz Ali, and Maulana Doorul Hasan were present on the occasion.

Poets like Hasan Raza Tabani, Haider Nawab Jafri and Shahnawaz recited his soaz and marsiyas.

Maulana Mirza Mohammad Ashfaq said in the speech, “Ustad was the epitome of knowledge and art, he have done a lot for the welfare of community and to maintain the legacy of classical arts and culture of marsiya and soaz. He was an educationalist, scholar, poet and renowned elegy reciter”.

He added, “Quran calls a martyr always living if he gives his life in the love of Prophet Mohammad (as) and His Family”.

MLAA also conducted the condolence prayers for the “martyrs of Pakistan killed in targeted Shia killings.”

President of MLAA, Maulana Mumtaz Ali said, “We demand support of Indian government to the relatives of Indians in Pakistan so that peace and brotherhood will prevail and innocents get the needed help”.