By M Naushad Ansari,
Patna: “Initiation of positive work results into a real success. Allah helps those who help themselves,” said Syed Saeed Ahmed, eminent personality development trainer and motivator.
Saeed was on 14 days trip to Bihar from 29 March to 9 April. He conducted extensive workshops, sometime two in a day, on personality development at different places. During the trip he addressed students, teachers, social workers, da’ees, women and technocrats.

At Khuda Bakhs Library, Patna – ( Mr. Saeed addressing, Mr. Imtiaz, Director, Khuda Bakhs Library & Dr. Khursheed Mallick – L to R).
While conducting a personality development workshop for social activists and da’ees (preachers) at Shanti Sandesh Kendr, Patna, Saeed, said that Allah loves excellence. One must endeavour hard to do work in the best way.
“Social work is a challenging task. One must possess high level of self esteem, which will inflate one’s confidence level. If you have confidence you will discharge your duties successfully. Building self confidence is the first step towards your path of social work, which will throw open all the doors to success,” he added.

At Khuda Bakhsh Khan Library
We must work to alleviate the hardships we, our families and our communities face. Muslims must never become fatalistic. Although we know only Allah is in control and that He has decreed all things, we are responsible for making the right choice and doing the right thing in all situations of our lives. Our sincere effort and supplication will surely affect our fate. ‘Allah doesn’t change a person until one changes oneself’, he asserted.
Saeed involved the participants in serious meditation, taught methods for enhancing concentration and enhancing memory power. His powerful presentations were electrifying, motivating people to think and analyse themselves.

At Oriental College, Patna
He enjoined them to explore possibilities and opportunities that lie within. He emphasized that for our empowerment Allah has bestowed us with four powers viz., body power, heart power, spiritual power and mind power. We should take care of all these powers in a balanced manner. He also briefed the method for their usage and upkeep. Indeed, it is the body wherein other three important powerful tools are fitted, he explained. If body is healthy, all other organs will work well. Our heart should be strong enough to absorb and accept only those which are positive and healthy for the self and for the society.
For development of spiritual power one need to pray to Allah (SWT) with full sincerity and concentration. Other forms of meditation too will be very helpful. Mind power is, finally, the most important tool which, indeed, makes the person to be active in life and to take right decision at right time. Our weaknesses are fear, hate, back-bitedness, jealousy etc. One needs to get rid of these through positive thinking.

At Rahbar Coaching, Hajipur
Addressing students at Patna Muslim High School, he stressed that a good listener is always a good learner. Proper planning is basic need for your success. Those who plan well succeed in their life and reach to the zenith of success. You need to plan for your success in this world and also in the world hereafter, which is eternal. If you don’t plan for your success, by default, you are planning for your failure. Forget your past. Start planning today. Have a healthy dream for your success. Get up early, thanking Allah that He has given you another day. Every day starts with new opportunities. Your success depends on your sincere effort to the best of your abilities. Efforts, not results, count in the Eyes of Allah.
“Life is too short to be wasted in gossiping or hating anyone. Make peace with your surroundings. No one is in charge of your happiness except you alone” emphasized Saeed while interacting with women at Shanti Sandesh Kendr, Patna. We will carry load of ourselves. Most people also blame paucity of time. But most of us have the same amount of time at our disposal. Some use it profitably to reach the goal of success. It is important that we don’t waste our time. Problems are simply part of our life, which will disappear with the passage of time and with a proper planning. When your heart feels heavy with stress or grief, remember Allah and surround yourself with His Zikr. Zikr refers to all forms of the remembrance of Allah, including Salat, Tasbeeh, Tahmeed, Tahleel, making supplication (Dua), and reading Quran. He emphasized that women are, indeed, architects of personality of individual. It is women who affect the children most during their first five years of development. It is the age when children grasp maximum knowledge, behaviour and attitude. It is the most crucial period of personality development and, hence, full care needs to be taken to implant good behaviour and positive attitude by mothers. Women need to maintain peace and positive environment at home.

Audience at Khuda Bakhsh Library, Patna
In his address at Learning Centre, Anand Place, Patna he emphatically declared that every individual has been divinely gifted with ability to achieve in his life what he dreams for himself. This needs correct identification of one’s purpose of life, passion, aptitude and focused action. Success requires that one keeps learning all through. Fear of unknown and fear of uncertain conditions and questions like ‘what if’ bothers most individuals. Most of such fears are unreal. One should not dwell in the past as it cannot be rewritten. Start each day with a new enthusiasm, hope and courage. Hopelessness is ‘kufr’ in Islam, he said.
These Personality Development and Motivation workshops were sponsored by Dr. Khursheed Mallick of Indian Muslim Educational Foundation, North America and was co-organised by Bihar Anjuman and Imarat-e-Shariah, Bihar.
(M Naushad Ansari is the President of Shanti Sandesh Kendr, Patna)