Life of Pi famed actor from Assam appeals for peace on Bihu eve

By Staff Reporter,

Guwahati: Life of Pi fame film actor from Assam, Adil Hussain who was in Guwahati to celebrate the Assamese news year, Bihu, appealed to the people of Assam for peace and harmony in the state for prosperity.

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Hussain, who has acted in several Hollywood and Bollywood films was born in Goalpara district of the state said that violence and hatred will only bring downfall to the region and its people.

NSD faculty and renowned film actor from Assam Adil Hussain

“My heart bleeds when I read in newspapers about the violence and killings of my state and place which is very close to my heart even though I stay away physically. What we need is love and compassion for each other so to prevail an atmosphere of peace and prosperity. I hope from this Bihu, we will love each other and make our place better to live,” said an emotional Hussain taking part in Bihu celebration in Guwahati on Sunday.

He also said that the state has such a glorious history of peace and harmony which was initiated by great saints Sankardeva and Ajan Peer several centuries back. “We need to follow that not the path of violence,” Hussain who teaches in National School of Drama in New Delhi further added.

He was referring the recent series of violence, including the BTAD and Rabha-Hasong which rocked the entire state in which numbers of people were killed and properties were destroyed.

Besides the Oscar winning ‘Life of Pi’, he has acted in number of international projects including Mira Nair’s ‘Reluctant Fundamentalist’ in 2012. Moreover, Adil Hussain acted ‘Lessons in Forgetting’ has won a National award this year.

The 49 year old actor will leave the state on April 21 after visiting his home town Goalpara during the Bihu festival.