By TCN News,
New Delhi: Several students’ bodies, alonng with Egypt the Solidarity Forum, today demonstrated outside the Egyptian Embassy in New Delhi “against the military coup and massacre in Egypt.”
Along with Egypt Solidarity Forum students from JawaharLal Nehru University, Jamia Millia Islamia, Delhi University, students’ organizations like Campus Front of India, Democratic Students Union, Students Islamic Organization, Welfare Party of India and several other civil society members protested against the military coup and massacre in Egypt.
Speaking at the occasion, Umair Anas, a research scholar from JNU, expressed his concern on military coup in Egypt against its first democratically elected civilian president of Egypt who was given full mandate by the people in a free and fair election.

Omair Anas of JNU speaking during the protest.
He condemned the declaration of suspending President, Parliament and the Constitution and efforts to “restore Mubarak era.”
He said that the settlement of the crisis was possible within legitimate political process and it is very clear that the coup is aimed to restoring the ‘deep state’ and remnant of deposed dictator Hosni Mubarak who have been generously called to join home ministry and security forces to deal with anti-coup protest.
Anisuzzaman of the Campus Front of India also condemned the “meddling” of the outside forces and their failure to condemn the military coup, adding that the role of the Arab League and its member states was equally disappointing particularly Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates which have gone to the extent of supporting the coup and funding the coup according to media reports.

He called upon the international rights based organizations to intervene to prevent future massacre and to conduct independent inquiry of this massacres. He also questioned the Indian government’s silence over unfolding events in the region with grave concern which is also against India’s long term interest because India’s relation with the region is not only between the regimes but also between the two people. It is important for India to support peoples demand for justice, democratic rights and peace in the region.
Sharique Ansar from SIO said that this is murder of humanity; and appealed to all Egyptians, liberals, Islamists and others to refrain from violence against each other and to protect Egypt from military dictatorship. & International community, including the Arab League, the United Nations and other countries to support civilian government elected by the people of Egypt and not to deal secretly with the military as they have done in the past.
SQR Ilyas from Welfare Party of India, representatives from DSU, APCR also spoke at the occasion. Slogans against elbaradaie, AL-Sisi, Egyptian army, USA and Israel were raised.