Rajasthan Muslim Forum demands Rs. 25 lakh compensation for Tonk victim Nasir

    By TCN News

    Jaipur: Rajasthan Muslim Forum has demanded compensation of Rs. 25 lakhs for the family of Nasir, who died on police firing when Rajasthan Police stormed Tonk’s Chhawni Jama Masjid and fired teargas shells on police praying in there. The incident on July 12 this year injured more than 80 people.

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    Today a protest was organized in Jaipur in front of Masjid Quraishian attended by Rajasthan Muslim Forum, Sadhbhav Manch Rajasthan, PUCL Rajasthan and Dalit Adhikar Manch. Er. Saleem of Jamaat-e-Islami Hind said their struggle will continue till we get justice for the victims of Tonk police firing.

    Er. Saleem speaking at the rally.

    Qari Moinuddin of Rajasthan Muslim Forum; Shaukar Qureshi, secretary of Muslim Musafirkhan; Ghulam Nabi, opposition leader of Muncipal Corporation, Advocate Farooq of APCR, Prof. Muhammad Hasan of Irada Society, Sawai Singh of Sadhbhav Mach, Rajendra Kumbhaj of PUCL addressed the gathering. From Tonk, Major Anwar, Advocate Khalifulah, Mohammad Ahmad of Tonk Waqf Committee and PUCL’s Mohammad Zakir also participated in the protest.

    The resolution passed at the gathering demanded immediate suspended of District Collector and SP and filing a criminal case against them. They also demanded a judicial investigation and monetary compensation to the family of Nasir who died in the incident.

    The speakers also blamed the government that their inaction at Sarada, Manohar Thana, Soorwal, and Gopalgarh.

