Police closes controversial Ibrahim Yafai murder case against Akbaruddin Owaisi

    By TwoCircles.net Staff Reporter,

    Hyderabad: In a surprise move city police has decided to withdraw murder case against Majlis-e-Itehadul Muslimeen MLA and Assembly floor leader Akbaruddin Owaisi, which was registered against him and two other MIM leaders.

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    On 30th April 2011 a lethal assassination bid was made on Akbaruddin Owaisi at his constituency party office in Barkas, Chandrayangutta, in which MIM leader was critically injured and survived only after high degree of medication in ICU. In the scuffle Ibrahim bin Yunus Yafai was allegedly the main attacker on Owaisi, Ibrahim was killed with three bullets fired at him.

    On 4th September 2012 Awadh bin Yunus Yafai elder brother of Ibrahim Yafai filed a written complaint with Commissioner of Police Hyderabad, DCP south zone, and Inspector Chandrayangutta P.S., in which he alleged that three MIM leaders including Akbaruddin Owaisi is responsible for the death of his brother who was killed in gun shots fired by Akbaruddin Owaisi and gunman of another MIM legislator Ahmed Balala.

    In his complaint Awadh Yafai alleged, that Akbaruddin Owaisi called their family into the MIM party office at Barkas and threatened them with a gun, and during verbal arguments clash broke out between both groups.

    When police didn’t act on the complaint family approached the High court, on 26 November 2012 court ordered the police to act on the complaint and to finish the investigation within three months.

    Than Chandrayangutta police station registered a case Cr.No 313/2012 against Chandrayangutta MLA Akbaruddin Owaisi, Malakpet MLA Ahmed Balala and his gunmen, and local municipal consular Mansoor Awalgi, under Sections 147 (rioting), 148 (rioting armed with deadly weapon), 302 (murder), 326 (grievous hurt), 506 (criminal intimidation) and 120-B (criminal conspiracy), and Section 27 of Indian Arms Act.

    MIM leaders got benefit of legal obscurity in this case, where investigating officer who is also the Inspector of Chandrayngutta P.S. has earlier recorded the statement of witness in the case three Yafai family members under sec 151, but later investigating officer moved petition in the Nampally criminal court to register the testimony of witnesses under sec 164 of CrPC, all three of them are the main accused in the Akbaruddin owaisi assassination attempt case.

    Criminal court issued summons to the Yafai Family members who are presently lodged in jail to register their testimony in the court, but the family members declined to do so citing emotional distress. On the basis of this Investigating officer decided to close the case citing lack of evidence, and Tuesday moved the final report in the High Court declaring closer of the case, on want of evidence.

    This is the second time Akbaruddin Owaisi got lucky, earlier in 4th August 2011, High Court while granting bail to main accused in his assassination attempt case ordered police to register murder case against Owaisi and to investigate the death of Ibrahim Yafai in the clash, police than did registered Cr.case No. 256/2011 against Owaisi and MIM leaders. But MIM immediately approached the Supreme Court and was successful in quashing the High court order.

    The Yafai family, who holds significant influence on substantial Arab Yemni diaspora in Akbaruddin’s chandrayangutta constituency, now alleged ‘match fixing’ between ruling Congress and MIM. They cite the recent meeting even after withdrawing from Govt. alliance of Akbaruddin Owaisi with Deputy Chief Minister, as substantial evidence to weight their conspiracy theory. All eyes are now on the High court which will take a final call on the police closure report.