Muslim girl denied admission in Delhi’s Govt schools

    Advocate Ashok Agarwal, national president of All India Parents’ Association has written letter to Delhi’s Education Minister and urged to intervene.

    By Staff Reporter,

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    New Delhi: A 14 yrs old Muslim girl Sidhra Malik from Shashi Garden in New Delhi is facing difficulty and resistance at the hands of Delhi Government as none of the Delhi Government schools nearby her residence is granting her admission in class IX for the academic year 2013-14.

    Sidhra has now approached the President of All India Parents’ Association (AIPA) for help. Advocate Ashok Agarwal, national president of AIPA has now written a letter to the Education Minister of Delhi NCT, Kiran Walia urging her to intervene.

    Sidhra Malik

    14 yrs old Sidhra, daughter of Mohd. Eddrish Malik of the Jawahar Mohalla, Shashi Garden, Delhi-91 wanted to continue her studies despite the fact that her father is reluctant to allow her to study further. However, with support from her mother she overcame father’s resistance. However, school authorities are creating hurdles for her.

    Eddrish Malik has a small junk/scrap shop in Mayur Vihar and has three children. Eldest son Shakib Malik has passed class XII this year, while youngest Sabiha is in class VI.

    Sidhra passed class VIII in 2012-13 from Modern Convent Junior High School (Recognised), Noida (U.P.) while living with her grandparents at Ghaziabad. Since her grandparents have died, she has shifted to her parents who are living at Shashi Garden for last several years.

    She possesses a valid Transfer certificate, required for changing school; she has still been made to run from one school to another for no known reason.

    Speaking to TCN Advocate Agarwal said that school authorities play with the future of students coming from poor background for no valid reason and unnecessarily harass their parents. Earlier also similar complaints had come and with the intervention of AIPA, three Muslim students were finally admitted.

    When Sidhra along with her mother approached the Government Sarvodaya Kanya Vidyalaya, Patparganj, Delhi-91 for admission, the Principal denied her admission saying “go to other school”. She also approached the Government School at Pocket IV but the principal of that school has also denied her admission arbitrarily.

    Thereafter, she approached the Education Officer at Shakarpur Zone –II on 20.06.2013 with a written request. The Education Officer wrote to HoS, RSKV, Patparganj to consider her case for admission.

    She immediately approached the Principal of RSKV, Patparganj for admission. The Principal again refused her admission by writing, “This address attached with Pocket IV School”. Sidhra again approached Pocket IV School but the Principal of the school again denied admission.

    Sidhra informed all this to the Education Officer but the Education Officer seems to be helpless.

    In the letter to the Education Minister Advocate Agarwal writes, “It appears that the Principals have no respect for their superiors and the superiors are dummy officers unable to take any action against the erring principals. This is how your education department works!”

    Advocate Agarwal added, “It is really unfortunate that the Delhi Government has been making tall claims for the rights of the children belonging to minority communities but on ground, their basic rights are often violated with impunity.”

    He considers it a deprivation of the her fundamental and human right to education as guaranteed to her under Articles 21 and 21-A of the Constitution of India read with the provisions of Right to Education Act, 2009.

    National president of AIPA has hence urged the minister for intervention to help Sidhra study further in any school near her residence.


    ‘Muslim girls want to study – Delhi Government School says No’