By Syed Hasan Zia Rizvi,,
Lucknow: ‘Shaam-e Adab’, a seminar on Mir Anees was organized at Rai Umanath Bali Prekshagrah, Qaiserbagh, Lucknow on 29 June by Lucknow Society, an organization which works for the restoration of culture and heritage.
The seminar aimed at exploring and elucidating the origin, history and importance of the Marsiya and Mir Babar Ali Anees (1802 – 1874), who is popularly known as ‘Shair-e Azam’ and the King of marsiya (elegy) in poetry.

Mir Anees was a scholarly poet who had a deep eye on history and its interpretation. He searched truth, wrote truth, delivered Truth and devoted his life for Truth. Marsiya is an elegy particularly written on The Battle of Karbala (the Truth) and how Imam Hussain(as), Grandson of Prophet Mohammad(saw) saved Islam and Humanity(the Truth).
The seminar commenced with the multimedia presentation given by Atif Hanif, who highlighted the various aspects of the poet in Lucknow like his tomb, haveli, road on his name, original writings, stamp in his honor, etc. Stone of his name is in bad condition and efforts to restore the same is in process by the Lucknow Society.
Many eminent poets of Lucknow attended the seminar; like Manish Shukla, the Urdu poet who elaborated the impact of the battle of Karbala on non-Muslims and on India. The difference between marsiya and soz was explained by Roshan Taqi, the famous historian of Avadh.
Mirza Shafiq Hussain Shafaq elucidated the origin and history of marsiya and how it is to be recited, ‘Khwanandigi’. Reason of the greatness of the poet was highlighted by Fazl-e Imam and another poet Sharib Rudaulvi said, “The poet rendered Hindustani and ganga-jamuni tehzeeb of Lucknow in his poetry”.

Renowned marsiya khwan of Lucknow, Haider Nawab Jafri recited marsiya of Mir Anees in the traditional manner.
“Bas aye Anees bas na sune the kabhi ye bain
Barpa hai bazm-e-matam-e-Akbar mein shor-o-shain
Main ek kya, nahi kisi momin ke dil ko chain
Keeje madad, in apne ghulamon ki Ya Hussain
hasrat ho dur, ashk ka samaan kam na ho
Juz maatam-e-Huzoor koi aur ghum na ho”
Several other prominent poets like Shama Zafar, Dr Zulfishan Chandni, Sehba Ali, and Amir Raza were also present at the event.