By Syed Khalid Shahbaz,
Hyderabad : MuffakhamJah College of Engineering and Technology celebrated its Annual Sports Day 2014 on 10th April 2014 at Ghulam Ahmed Hall, Sultan ulUloom Education Society Campus, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad.
Students representing various outdoor and indoor sports including cricket, football, volleyball, throw ball, basketball and caroms were rewarded for their vibrant performances in various sports tournaments held at college, district and state level.

MJCET Students flaunt their accolades at the Annual Sports Day Celebrations held in Sultan UlUloom Education Society campus on Thursday.
While Ms.RumanaKhatoon, a first year IT student of MJCET represented the Youth and Senior National Women Basket Ball team at Cuttack and Bhopal, the MJCET cricket team secured 2nd place in 12th SR Inter Engineering tournament.
Many students brought laurels to the institution. Mr.ZafarJaveed, Honorary Secretary – SUES, emphasizing the importance of sports, urged the students to take sports seriously whilst ensuring that it does not interfere with academics.

MJCET cricket team poses for a photograph at the Annual Sports Day Celebrations of the college on Thursday. Prof. V.N Shivraj, Mr. Amir Javeed, Dr. Basheer Ahmed, Mr.ZafarJaveed, Mr.Mohd. Waliullah, Dr. Mir Akbar Ali Khan and others are also seen.
He also said that most youth and children today prefer digital games on iPads and tablets rather than on outdoor games. Outdoor games are important as a healthy body begets healthy mind, he added.
Dozens of players were awarded with cash prizes and honorary attendance for participating in sports. Students have consistently ranked in state and national level sports tournaments. The college has now announced Dress Rooms and Locker facilities for boys and girls separately in the Sports centre of the institution.

Ms.Rumana Khatoon, an IT student of MJCET who represented the Youth and Senior National Women Basket Ball team at Cyttack and Bhopal is being greeted by her friends on the Annual Sports Day function of MJCET.
Interestingly, the Sports Development Committee of the Sultan ulUloom Education Society also has a nice gymnasium alongside a cricket and football field, basketball, tennis and volley ball courts and indoor sports hub for caroms, chess and badminton.
Mr. Mohammed Waliullah – Vice Chairman, SUES, Prof. Mir Akbar Ali Khan – Treasurer, SUES, Mr.K.N.Krishnan – Principal, MJCET and Dr. AnupamaKoneru also graced the occasion.