Iran proposes nuclear cooperation with Gulf states

    By IANS,

    Tehran: Head of the Atomic Energy Organisation of Iran (AEOI) Ali-Akbar Salehi proposed the formation of a nuclear cooperation organisation to alleviate concerns of Gulf littoral states, media reported Wednesday.

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    Iran is ready to conduct expert and technical talks with the Gulf countries over the safety of Bushehr nuclear power plant, Salehi said, adding that the Bushehr is among the most sophisticated power plants of its kind, and operates under the full supervision of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Russian contractors and experts from Iran’s Nuclear Safety Centre, Xinhua reported citing Press TV.

    He suggested a non-governmental organisation (NGO) be set up to resolve any doubts and concerns of the Gulf states about Iran’s “civilian” atomic activities scientifically.

    “Should the NGO operate satisfactorily, it can be developed into a Persian Gulf nuclear cooperation organisation,” he added.

    For further assuring the Gulf littoral states about the performance and safety of the plant, Iran is ready to allow nuclear experts from its southern neighbours to visit Bushehr power plant.

    Iranian officials have reiterated that the Bushehr facility is among the world’s best nuclear plants in terms of meeting safety standards, and it can withstand strong quakes.

    The Bushehr nuclear power plant is Iran’s first nuclear power plant. It originally started in the mid-1970s by Siemens of Germany but abandoned with the outbreak of the country’s 1979 Islamic Revolution.

    Iran and Russia, after reached an agreement on nuclear cooperation in 1992, signed a contract in January 1995 to finish the construction of the plant.