By Staff reporter,
Mumbai : Mr. Shivajirao Kardile, a sitting Member of Legislative Assembly (MLA) of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) from Rahuri (District – Ahmednagar) constituency in Maharashtra has been found guilty of creating ruckus during election for District Central Cooperative Bank (DCCB) in Ahmednagar. The FIR goes back to 12 years back which was registered on 25/05/2002 bearing CASE NO.121/2002.
As per reports, Kardile had forcefully entered the polling center during the Directors election of District Central Cooperative Bank (DCCB) in Ahmednagar and had stalled the polling alleging some voters to be bogus and had snatched ballot paper from voters. He had entered the polling centre along with the nominee Raghunath Garine and had created ruckus.

Shivajirao Kardile
He was charged under sections 341, 353, 171F, 504, 506, 34 of IPC and LOKPRATINIDHI ADHINIYAM 1951 SEC.132 & 136 and SAHAKARI SANSTHA ADHINIYAM SEC.144.
Judicial Magistrate First Class (JMFC) M. S. Todkar convicted him under some of the above sections and sentenced him to 1 year rigorous punishment along with fine of Rs.1, 000. The Magistrate also sentenced Raghunath Garine with the same punishment.
There are at least four more criminal cases pending against Kardile in Ahmednagar including one case of attempt to Murder.