By Jasim Mohammad,,
Narendra Modi government has completed one month after winning thumping majority in the 2014 general elections. Though one month time is not suitable to analyze the working of any government but just for the intellectual exercise and to point out certain lapses on the part of the newly formed government the analysis is necessary. After taking oath of office of the Prime Ministership, Narendra Modi has said on several times that he wishes to carry on every section of Indian society with him on the developmental path, so that whole country may be progressed. This was the welcome declaration at least for the masses and deprived classes of India.
The fact cannot be over looked that in the last Lok Sabha elections, Bhartiya Janta Party succeeded in receiving nearly 9% Muslim votes which was not only surprising to the political analysts but also for the BJP itself. No political party including the BJP can rule over country without the support of every section of Indian citizenry. BJP itself has accepted this reality.
Muslim society in India is lagging behind in every sector economically, politically and socially. The fact has been earlier acknowledged by Sachar Committee appointed by Manmohan Singh government. When Narendra Modi was contesting the election of Lok Sabha from Varanasi, he addressed some of the problems faced by Saree businessmen and weavers. He was fully aware that BJP is not going to get the votes of Muslim weavers but still he took care of their problems. This fact indicates the change in the Narendra Modi Chief Minister of Gujarat and the BJP candidate for Prime Ministership Narendra Modi. It also reveals his political policies and thinking.
In the last one month, Modi government has taken some important steps. Just in one month no government can fulfill aspirations of people but Narendra Modi took note of price rising and began working in the direction to arrest it. Likewise he is closely eying the forecast of decreased rains and possibility of drought.
But unfortunately in the one month, the government failed to take any meaningful step for the betterment of the masses standing on side lines particularly the dalits and minorities specially Muslims.
Incidents concerning Gopal Subramaniyam indicate the other side of the picture. Supreme Court Collegium had sent the name Gopal Subramaniyam in the four named panel for the appointment as Judge but the government sent back the panel with request to review the name Gopal Subramaniyam which resulted in Gopal Subramaniyam himself requesting the Supreme Court not to send his name any more. It may be recalled that the role of Gopal Sibramaniyam in the Sohrabuddin encounter case was not liked by Narendra Modi as his most trusted commander, Amit Shah was coming under cloud.
This example was necessary to point out that on one hand Narendra Modi says that he wants to carry all people with him and on the other some of his actions are pointing that he is still that “old Narendra Modi.”
In this connection it is necessary to point out that Narendra Modi has achieved which very few politicians can even dream of. Now he should try to become a statesman from politician and for that he should change his image not only on national but international level. So he should not take such steps which may direct or indirect support his earlier image.
The main problems faced by the Muslim masses are connected with education, employment and security and Modi government has not taken any meaningful step in that direction. Though Narendra Modi has promised zero tolerance on terrorism and communal violence but his actions did not support his declarations. If he is really serious about them then he must bring Communal Violence Bill in its original form and get it passed which he can do very easily considering BJP tally in Lok Sabha. If he takes this step then he will succeed in sending a powerful positive message on international level and his image may boost up.
Recently, Siraj Quraishi, President, India Islamic Cultural Centre, New Delhi has met Narendra Modi, Prime Minister and the meeting became a news in media, According to Siraj Quraishi, Narendra Modi has expressed satisfaction on BJP getting 9% Muslim votes and he wishes to have 40% Muslim votes in future. To achieve that target of 40% Muslim votes Narendra Modi and BJP both should change their views and their actions must indicate that change.
Indian Muslims is not only concerned with their security in communal clashes but also on the trend under which Muslim youths are associated with every terrorist incident by the investigative agencies. It must be realized that till every section of society is not ensured safety and security, peace in its true meaning cannot be achieved and without peace real development cannot take place at all.
Education is the most effective tool of every section in country. Muslims are lagging behind in that too. The government has announced for the modernization of the Madrsas but failed to elaborate the way and process of the modernization. If Madrasas are modernized in the way as most of the Muslim intellectuals have opined, then the students of Madrasas can join the mainstream education of country which will not only result in the enhanced social and economic uplift of Muslim masses but will also rapidly develop the nation.
The issue of the minority status of the Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) is directly connected with government`s concern with education field. The case of minority status is pending before Supreme Court of India since a long time. If Modi government brings any suitable “Bill” in the parliament to declare the AMU as a minority educational institution, then it may realize its dream of 40% Muslim votes on one hand and on the other it may send a positive signal across the globe.
A large section of Muslims are associated with cottage and small industries both in capacity of managing them and as labour like in the brass industry of Moradabad, lock and hardwares in Aligarh, bangles of Firozabad , Saree industry of Varanasi and so on. The government has not announced any financial back up or relaxation in taxes on these industries which are struggling to survive due to competition with China. If the government provides them some relief and support then they may contribute in nation building and development of country.
Most of the Muslims of North India are Urdu speaking and it is their mother tongue. Earlier governments have only created Urdu academies to appoint their choicest persons on coveted posts but no meaningful development of Urdu has been taken up so far. All Indian languages should get attention of the government and must be developed and that includes Urdu also. But for that instead of creating white elephants, the government should support those institutions which are truly imparting education in Urdu medium. For example, the Jamia Urdu Aligarh is imparting education to the deprived and poor classes of India since 1939 effectively. The central government should accord its degrees of Adeeb and Adeeb Mahir equivalency with the high school and intermediate of various boards.
If Prime Minister Narendra Modi is serious about the development of Muslim society in India then he should sideline the people sitting in Delhi who always bargain on behalf of the community and take advantage for them or their families. The trend of contracting should be abolished. The government and even Narendra Modi must take into confidence ground level Muslim organizations working in small cities and social workers as they are aware about realities and command respect.
Lastly, if Narendra Modi is inclined to create history and change socio-political scenario of country, he must work to create a level playing field for all sections of Indian society particularly Muslims and travel from a mere politician to statesman commanding confidence and respect on international level.
(Jasim Mohammad is the Director of Jamia Urdu Aligarh.)