Libya authorities amend law to try Gaddafi’s son

Tripoli: The Libyan General National Congress Tuesday made partial amendments to the country’s criminal law to allow the trial of Gaddafi’s son, a judicial spokesperson said.

“The prosecution general, on the judge of security circumstances, required the votes of the General National Congress on amending Criminal Law 241 and 243, to allow the trial of the accused, Saif Gaddafi,” Xinhua quoted spokesperson of Libyan prosecutor general Sedique el-Sour as saying.

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These amendments will permit an online trial of Saif by connecting the hall of Tripoli court with his prison in Zintan, Sedique said, adding these modifications comply with international conventions.

Saif has been in the hands of local militias in the southwestern town since the downfall of Muammar Gaddafi and the armed group has been declining to hand over Saif without “proper rewards”.

“The prosecution general has been facing difficulties in the case file No. 630 of Tripoli Appeal Court…unable to transfer the accused, Saif Gaddafi, to Tripoli,” Sedique said. The security situation in Tripoli also add to difficulties in bringing Saif to the court, Sedique said.

Saif is charged with crimes against humanity and genocide.

The Tripoli Appeal Court has postponed the trial of 37 officials of the Gaddafi regime to April 14. The decision was designed to ensuring the presence of all the accused people.