By TCN News,
Aligarh: A meaningful literature is one, which seeks to bring about social changes, eminent Pakistani writer Dr Aliya Imam said during a function at the Urdu Academy, Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) here.
“A writer is not only supposed to write but also analyses research involved in writing,” Imam said and quoting Urdu poets of colossal stature Ghalib, Iqbal, Josh and Faiz, she observed that the work of these poets reflected reality of their times and they always maintained a balance in society and culture.

Dr. Aliya Imam felicitated at the Department of Urdu.
Worried about the growing weapon culture in the world, she said it is a pity that certain powers are using science for making weapons of mass destruction which has also caused expansion of the culture of violence and brutality across the globe, a release from the AMU said.
Dr Imam urged intellectuals and the intelligentsia to propagate the message of peace and work for bringing an end to the weapon culture, which also included trade of weapons of mass destruction. She said that the world should make use of science in general, and the nuclear science in particular for peaceful and humanitarian purposes to promote tolerance, harmony and humanism.
Earlier, Professor Sagheer Ifrahim, Editor, Tehzeebul Akhlaq, presented a copy of the latest special number of the magazine on Sir Syed Ahmad Khan to Dr Aliya Imam. Appreciating the work of Dr Imam, Prof Ifrahim said that the way Dr Imam has connected works of Ghalib, Meer and Khusro in her books, establishes a scientific link between their times.
In his presidential remarks, Prof Syed Mohammad Ameen said that Dr Imam has continued her work on science and literature denying the old age barrier. Prof Abul Kalam Qasmi, Prof Syed Mohammad Hashim, Prof Tariq Chhatari, Prof Mohammad Zahid, Dr Imtiyaz Ahmad, Dr Shahabuddin Saqib, Dr Neelam Farzana, Dr Seema Sagheer, Dr Sultan Ahmad, Dr Khalid Saifullah and a number of scholars and students attended the lecture, the release added.