Special units to tackle crimes against women proposed

New Delhi : The central government Monday proposed to set up “Investigative Units on Crimes against Women” (IUCAW) in 20 percent of the districts in each state on half-cost sharing basis.

Home Minister Rajnath Singh has written to the chief ministers saying there was a need to strengthen various elements of the criminal justice system, namely investigation, prosecution and trials by courts to deal with rise in crimes against women, an official release said.

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The minister said the objective of these units will be to investigate cases referred to them, augment the investigative machinery of the states in relation to heinous crimes against women, especially rape, dowry death, acid attack and human trafficking.

The objectives also include encouraging women to come forward and file complaints, and on improving the gender ratio in the state police forces, which was adversely affecting implementation of legislations relating to women.

These units will have the additional functionality of proactive policing, intelligence gathering, tackling organised crime, monitoring implementation of legislative provisions, helping in awareness generation and promotion of social participation in checking crimes against women.

The ministry proposed to set up 150 such IUCAW units initially on a pilot basis in the most crime-prone districts of each state.

The home minister said these units may consist of 15 personnel, five of them preferably women.

The states will have full flexibility on whether to create new posts or to designate from the existing strength.

Each IUCAW will be headed by an officer of the rank of additional superintendent of police assisted by two deputy superintendents.

Of the total 2,250 personnel required for the 150 IUCAWs, 750 will be women.

This will involve a total expenditure of Rs.84 crore annually, of which Rs.42 crore will be provided by the central government.