By Mirza Mosaraf Hossain, TwoCircles.net
The son of a weaver, Jisan Hossain from West Bengal’s Barasat subdivision, has ranked 916 in the recently published results of the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET) exams 2020 conducted all over India for admission in undergraduate medical courses. Another student, Asmaul Haque, the son of a carpenter of Malda district, has secured 5523 rank in the said exams.
Like them, more than 600 Muslim students all over the State qualified for the same exams many of whom belong to poor families. The results have indeed ushered in sea-like happiness to the students like Jisan, their families and relatives.
The results of NEET were declared on October 16 this year and Shoyeb Aftab, originally from Bengal’s Dhulagarh locality in Howrah district, topped in the country. This year 13 lakh students appeared for the exam all over the country against 65 thousand seats allotted for admission in medical colleges this year. From various sources, it is estimated that nearly 630 Muslim students from the different districts of Bengal have been able to take their positions and would be taking admission in different medical colleges of the country.
The students of Al Ameen Mission have secured their positions within 55 thousand ranks and they all will be able to take admission in medical colleges against the total country wide allocated 65 thousand seats.
Among the total Muslim qualified students of West Bengal, most of the qualified students are from Al Ameen Mission, an educational institute run by Muslim community fund, and the rest are from VOICE and G.D Study Circle, both are Muslim run educational institutions. Whereas 514 students, 100 of them are girl students, have qualified from Al Ameen Mission, 65 from VOICE, only 41 cracked the exams from many branches of G.D Study Circle. Whatever the numbers of the students qualified under which institutes, the common special similarities among these institutes are that a large number of the qualified students belong to poor families whom these institutes gave opportunities to flourish their lives providing them with the necessary guide, study materials and above all inspiring them to do achieve something greater in life. The publication of the result thus is very special to these students, their families, teachers as well as the authorities.
The 916 rank holder, Jisan Hossain told TwoCircles.net that he hails from Dadpur village under Shason police station of North 24 Parganas district and he belongs to a poor family. His father, Aktiar Hossain, 46 years old has eye-vision problems from his early childhood and he can’t work. His mother, Sahar Banu, is the only person who runs the family of three members with the negligible income she earns by weaving clothes, embroidering new clothes. He further informed that he had got a chance at Al Ameen Mission at his eighth standard and he passed matriculation, higher secondary class, coaching for preparation for the said exams from there at Paikpari branch and Uluberia branch respectively.

In his opinion, it was the mission that turned the wheels of his life and strengthened his determination to achieve something noble in his life.
Speaking with TwoCircles.net, Jisan said, “It was because of the Al Ameen Mission that I have been able to come to this stage of success. Belonging to a poor family and living in a remote place, I had not the least knowledge of how doctors are made. I came to know gradually about all these things only after I came to the mission. I am highly indebted to the mission, to the authorities along with my parents for giving me that much space to reach this stage of success.”
He added, “Once I got to know everything after staying a few years in the mission, I always wished to study in the top medical institutes of the country and studied that much accordingly so that I could succeed. The result or my rank Alhamdulillah would facilitate the way of fulfilling my dream. In sha Allah I will get admission in a good medical college of the country like Maulana Azad Medical College, Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research (JIPMER), Pondicherry with this rank. This feeling is giving me immense pleasure.”
He confided that he wants to study Neurology and wishes to be a neurosurgeon.
Another student, Asmaul Haque who ranked 5523 in the said exams, hails from Jaharditola village of Malda district’s Mothabari locality. His father is a carpenter who earns Rs 300 daily and runs his family of seven members including Asmaul’s grandparents. Naturally, this success of their son has brought immense happiness to the family, their relatives, and neighbours.
Asmaul was also a student of Al Ameen Mission and took coaching for preparing for the NEET exams. He said, “The economic condition of my family is not stable as my father works door to door as a carpenter and runs the family with the meagre Rs 300 or 400. I had to go through many hurdles and difficulties to come to this success. It would have not been possible for me if the mission did not give any opportunity to study there after my matriculation. Now, the result is like a gate pass for me to enter a new world where I can aspire to be what I used to cherish to be in my life. I am greatly thankful for the mission authorities.”
Asmaul said that he would opt for Neurology and become a Neurosurgeon.
Another two students from Jalangi block in Murshidabad district of VOICE, Umme Mahbuba, and Umme Habiba, who are actually twins and have ranked 20768 and 42275 respectively, spoke to TwoCircles.net.

Mahbuba and Habiba said, “Both of us have completed our higher secondary degree from G.D. Study Circle after the completion of the matriculation from our local school. Before coming to the mission, we did not know what we would fix to be followed as our career option and what we should aspire for to be in our life as we did not know how a doctor or an engineer becomes. It was only there we both decided to be doctors and started hard preparation accordingly and took coaching classes at the VOICE. This result has immensely pleased us. We are very grateful to the mission as well as to the VOICE.”
The mother of the twins seemed to be happier than her daughters. The mother, Sajida Biswas, happily said, “We are extremely happy with the results of our daughters. They got the price of their hard works that they were paying for the last two years. It might have happened that one of them would have not cracked the exam and then the situation of the family would have been something else with sadness. Allah has saved them and also saved us from the inevitable consequences.” She continued, “From an early age, they are very studious and hard workers. They used to sit together for study, went to school together, and still now they do things together. This time they have maintained their togetherness and cracked the exams together.”

Mahbuba said that she wants to be a gynaecologist.
According to sources, among the total qualified students of Al Ameen Mission, 150 of them belong to poor and lower-class families, 207 to lower-middle-class families, and 157 to middle and upper-middle-class families.
Ayesha Khatun, who has ranked 1982 in the NEET 2020 exams all over the country, belongs to such a village where electricity is rare. Lack of science stream in the nearby schools, lack of tuition teachers are other difficulties the local students have to face as normal day to day affairs.
Ayesha is from Salunchi village, under Dubrajpur block in Birbhum district.
Ayesha says that she is the only person in her family who has gone outside for study purposes, not only among the girls but among boys as well. It was not possible for her without her father who stood by her throughout her life and dreamt her to be a doctor. Ayesha is happy now that she made her father’s dream come true.

Her father, Sk Enamul Haque (46), tilts his small portion of land and has a small grocery shop. With a meagre source of income and weak economic conditions, he is managing all the expenses of his children for their education and sent Ayesha to Al-Ameen Mission and his younger daughter, Amina Khatun, to Kolkata to pursue a nursing degree at P.G Hospital.
While speaking with TwoCircles.net, Ayesha said, “After my matriculation, my father realized that it was never possible to opt for science in our locality and so he sent me to the Al-Ameen Mission confiding to me that he wishes me to be a doctor. The motivational speeches of our General Secretary sir were something that always inspired me to work hard and grab my destiny. Alhamdulillah, it came as reality today. All the praise to be to the Almighty Allah. I am greatly thankful to my parents, our Secretary sir for their inspiration.”
Ayesha said she wants to be a gynaecologist.