Hyderabad : Police in Andhra Pradesh's Warangal district late Tuesday night rescued a top executive of Satyam Computer Services Limited, who had been kidnapped from here, officials said Wednesday.
Police said Vedula Satyanaryana, General Manager of Satyam, was rescued in Nekonda village in Warangal district, about 200 km from here. Four people have been arrested in this regard.
Satyanarayana, 40, was kidnapped Tuesday morning when he went to drop his children to a school in Secunderabad. He asked his driver to wait and went into the school premises. As he was emerging from the school building, four people allegedly bundled him into a car and sped away.
When Satyanarayana did not return, his driver informed his wife Kiran. The IT executive later called his wife from his mobile phone and said he was attending a company meeting. He quickly switched off the phone after that.
Kiran grew suspicious and called up his office. As there no such meeting scheduled, she lodged a complaint with Gopalpuram police station that her husband had been kidnapped.
The family allegedly received a call from the kidnappers, who demanded Rs.2 million as ransom. Police traced the call made from a mobile phone and rescued Satyanarayana.
Police had initially said that there were no witnesses to the kidnapping but inquiries revealed that a security guard saw Satyanarayana boarding a car.
Police are yet to divulge the identity of the kidnappers.