Kochi : The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) Friday filed a chargesheet implicating two priests, a sister and a former police sub inspector in the murder 17 years ago of Sister Abhaya.
The chargesheet names Thomas M. Kottor, who was the Diocesan chancellor of the Catholic Church at Kottayam, Jose Putarika, a former professor at the Kottayam College where Abhaya studied, and Sister Seffi, a resident of the convent when the incident took place.
The body of Sister Abhaya, a resident of Pius X Hostel, was found in the well of the Kottayam convent March 27, 1992.
The chargesheet also names former sub-inspector V.V. Augustine for destroying crucial evidence. The chargesheet was filed before the chief judicial magistrate here.
Augustine committed suicide last year after he felt that he would be arrested.
The CBI had arrested the remaining three Nov 19 last year but all of them secured bail Jan 1 this year.
The CBI was called in to investigate the controversial case after 12 earlier teams failed to come up with convincing leads.
The charge sheet also mentions that four others, a nun, retired superintendent of police K.T. Michael and two lady workers of the convent will have to undergo narco-analysis tests as part of the investigation.