Kolkata/New Delhi: Under fire from the Indian cricket board, former captain Sourav Ganguly Saturday went back on his allegations about the board having different rules for different players, and said he knew “what to say and what not to”.
“Being a responsible person, I know what to say and what not to say. People should look into the tape and get the script to see if I have said something wrong before issuing a statement,” Ganguly said Saturday.
His comments came hours after BCCI vice president Rajiv Shukla said the board was not “prejudiced” against any player.
“BCCI is not prejudiced against any player. Performance is the sole criteria for selection. It is the prerogative of the selection committee consisting of former cricketers to chose the national squad,” Shukla said.
In an interview to Bengali television channel Star Ananda, Ganguly was asked if he could have served the Indian team well if he had continued to play at the top level like his contemporaries Rahul Dravid and Sachin Tendulkar. In reply, he reportedly said: “Yes, I had the ability. Had I played, I would have performed. But the rules are not the same for everyone.”