Ranchi : The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)’s Jharkhand unit Friday handed over a cheque of Rs.1 lakh to the widow of Induwar Francis, a police officer beheaded by Maoists, to help the family overcome financial crisis.
Induwar was not paid his salary for five months due to technical reasons.
A BJP delegation headed by state unit president Raghubar Das met Sunita Induwar and handed over the cheque.
“The slain cop was not getting salary for five months due to the callous attitude of the state government. The family needs financial help. We have given the Rs.1 lakh cheque to the widow of the slain cop on humanitarian grounds,” said Das.
On Thursday, a BJP delegation led by Das and Chandan Mitra, Rajya Sabha member, had met the family.
“Maoists are following a perverted ideology and indulging in criminal activities and extortion. Killing innocent people cannot be justified. Of late, the central government has taken some right measures to deal with the Maoist problem,” Mitra told reporters here Friday.
Induwar was abducted from Khuti district Sep 30 and his decapitated body was found at Raisa Ghati on the Ranchi-Jamshedpur highway Tuesday morning.
The Jharkhand government has announced Rs.10 lakh compensation to the family and job to a family member. Sunita is likely to be appointed as government school teacher.