Chandigarh: In a bid to spread awareness about girl child, Haryana Chief Minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda Friday announced extension of the ‘Ladli’ incentive scheme by another five years in the state, known for its skewed sex ratio.
“Under the ‘Ladli’ scheme, financial incentive is provided to the family of the girl child. Rs.5,000 per year is invested for five years on the birth of second daughter in a family in the group insurance scheme by Life Insurance Corporation of India,” Hooda said.
“Based on encouraging results, we have decided to extend this scheme for another five years,” he said.
The Ladli scheme, which aims to uplift the dignity of girl child in the society, was implemented in Haryana Aug 20, 2005.
As per official records, so far the state government has spent Rs.95 crore under this scheme, benefiting 86,820 girls till December, 2009.