MMK will cleanse dirty politics in Tamil Nadu: Prof Jawahirullah

By Shafee Ahmed Ko,,

Tiruvarur: Manida Neya Makkal Katchi (MKK) will be a great turning point in the history of Tamil Nadu politics and it will cleanse the dirty politics in the state taking into fold all the oppressed communities, said Prof. Jawahirullah, Co-ordinator, MMK, in his valedictory address at the party’s first District Conference in Tiruvarur town in Tamil Nadu on 24 January.

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Prof. Jawahirullah further said that MMK is the offspring of Tamil Nadu Muslim Munnetra Kazhgam (TMMK) which has been toiling only in the interest of the oppressed and downtrodden people without any discrimination of caste and creed for the past 15 years. He reiterated that TMMK’s services such as blood camps and more than 75 emergency Ambulances to immediately attend the victims of road accidents are unprecedented as no other party “has come forward to render such services.”

At the conference of MMK Manida=Human+Neya=Hormony+Makkal=People+Katchi=Party), there was large gathering in the V.P. Singh Complex, the venue. The distinguished speakers on the dais were Prof. Jawahirullah, P. Adbul Samad, S.S.Haroon Rasheed, S.M. Zainulabideen, J.S. Rifayee, S.M.Jinna, Gilbert Rodriguez, Ko.Thirunaukarasu, M.Thameem Ansari, O.U. Rahmathullah, J.Haja Ghani, S.K.S. Shamsuddeen, Puduvai Ko. Sukumaran and Dr. Antony Cruze.

Other prominent speakers included Tiruvarur M. Mujeebur Rahman, District Secretary, S.P. Yousuf, State Executtive Member, Nachikulam Tajuddin, District Executive Member, E.Fazlul Haque, District Deputy Secretary and A.Haleelur Rahman, District Youth Secretary.

In his speech, Prof Jawahirullah, who is also president of TMMK, said: “Vishwanath Pratap Singh deserves all credit and respect for his services to the oppressed. No other prime ministers who served even long terms could do what Singh did in short span. It is quite apt that this venue is named as V.P. Singh Complex. Thanthai Periyar and Baba Saheb Ambedkar had toiled for the Dalits and reservation for them.” “The talk of the town was that V.P. Singh during 11 months of his tenure as prime minister was instrumental or influential for a term as “social justice”, in bringing mandatory reservation for the Other Backward Classes in the Central Government employment.

Prof. Jawahirullah said that if Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh really wanted appreciation from the oppressed people, he should have implemented Ranganath Misra Commission report, which was submitted to him on 22 May 2007. “Misra Commission report is a well scrutinized document which offers a real solution to the problems of the oppressed by recommending 15% reservation for the religious minorities, out of that 10% has to be reserved for the Muslim minority in all the educational and employment opportunities of the Central Government.

As for state issues, Prof. Jawahirullah came down heavily on Fishing Regulatory and Development Bill of 2009, and reiterated his demand for its withdrawal. “The bill is nothing but an intimidation to the fishing folk” said Prof. Jawahirullah. Penalty for fishing beyond 12 nautical miles is Rs.9 lakh and 3 years imprisonment. If fishing is more than Rs.10,000 worth, penalty is Rs 9 lakh and if fishermen resist any checking authority the penalty is Rs.10 lakh and one year imprisonment. Prof. Jawahirullah said this act would completely destroy the life of fishermen and that’s why he wants it be withdrawn.

A non-Muslim fishermen’s representative narrated how his folks were washed away in Tsunami and finally those who escaped alive took asylum into Tiruvarur town. He said, “It was TMMK cadres in the mosques who arranged free meals and distributed large quantity of water sachets every day nearly for thirty days. When an unknown TMMK volunteer felt thirsty he went his home to quench his thirst, but that unknown TMMK never took a sachet from what were available in our campus. When I questioned him, this TMMK man said that he should not use any commodity from common distribution (meaning Baitul Maal).