Srinagar : After days of suspense, the Border Security Force (BSF) commanding officer allegedly involved in the killing of a teenager here last month was Thursday arrested by Jammu and Kashmir police.
R.K. Birdi, commanding officer of the 68 battalion BSF, was formally arrested by the state police after he was handed over to the special investigation team by BSF authorities.
“We have arrested him and he will be questioned about the killing of 16-year old Zahid Farooq Sheikh who died after being shot in the chest by a BSF trooper on Feb 5 in Nishat area of the city,” a police official said.
The state police had earlier arrested a trooper, Lakhwinder Kumar, after an in-house enquiry by the BSF found him to be involved in the killing of the youth.
He said during questioning that he had shot at the youth but had done so under orders from his commandant, Birdi.