By Manzar Bilal,,
Patna: “Humanity teaches us to take care of others more than ourselves and to protect other’s rights more than our own but today human beings have indulged in selfishness which created an uncomfortable situation in the world. Everyone has his circle and boundary to work in but today everyone is involved in encroachment which leads to tension between the people” said Maulana Walai Rahmani, Sajjada Nashin Khanqah Rahmani, Munger.
He was speaking at a program titled ‘Tameer-e-Insaniat Conference’ on Saturday which was organized by Imart-e-Shariah Bihar, Jharkhand and Orissa at its headquarters in Phulwari Sharif, Patna.

L-R: Ajmal Farid, Maulan Anisur Rahman Qasmi, Maulana Walai Rahmani, Maulana Khalid Ghazipuri, Maulana Syed Nizamuddin, Maulana Rabey Hassan Nadwi
“Governments (Central & states) do not seem to give rights to the citizens until they come to adopt violence. When people want to get their demands fulfilled they burn some buses, trains and block roads, the next day government gives in and accepts their demands. Muslim community has always been denied its due rights because they put their demands peacefully which has no meaning before government. For instance, Muslims are demanding reservations but they have always been denied, they are raising voice for the restoration of minority character of AMU and Jamia Millia but all fell on deaf ear. Is the government going to accept their demand only after they adopt violence for their demands?” he asked adding that such things are happening because human being have forgot to respect each others’ rights.
He also criticized judiciary for giving controversial remarks about Islam and Muslims. “Today judges have started to explain the Qura’n and Hadith about which they do not have proper knowledge and when we remind them they argue that when Quran and Hadith are in written shapes, everyone has right to explain that after going through that. We ask them that when somebody is murdered, why you people wait for Forensic Report? While books of Physics and Chemistry are available, you should give judgment only after reading that but you do not do that. Similarly, you should not intervene in Islamic teachings and obligations by your wrong explanation.”

Speaking on the occasion, Maulana Rabey Hassan Nadwi, president All India Muslim Personal Law Board, said that the difference between human being and animals is that the former take care of others along with themselves and the latter think only about themselves.
“Every one of us should think that how much he is respecting humanity. We should not follow the West blindly that has lost the true meaning of humanity. Our country has ideal culture but today we are pushing it aside and running behind Western culture which is very sorrowful matter” Said Maulana Nadwi who is also president of Payam-e-Insaniat Movement.

“We all irrespective of our religions, castes and creeds should stand up to protect humanity and our rich culture otherwise it will wash off our identity” he urged.
Others who addressed the conference included Maulana Syed Nizamuddin, Amir-e-Shariat, Bihar Jharkhand and Orissa, Maulan Anisur Rahman Qasmi, Secretary of Imarat Shariah, Maulana Khalid Ghazipuri, Professor of Hadith at Darul Uloom Nadwatul Ulema, Ajmal Farid, Editor of Qaumi Tanzeem Urdu daily.