New Delhi : Samajwadi Party (SP) and Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) MPs Thursday walked out of the Lok Sabha during question hour over the issue of greater representation to Muslims in government jobs.
RJD chief Lalu Prasad asked whether the government was planning to give proportionate representation to Muslims in various government sectors. However, Minority Affairs Minister Salman Khurshid said he could not reply to the query as it had not been listed.
In response, Lalu Prasad said that the government was “anti-Muslim” and demanded a proper reply from the minister.
Speaker Meira Kumar said he could give a notice and the matter could be discussed in the house.
Lalu Prasad also questioned Khurshid’s reply to another question that the sum of Rs.20 million in the MP’s fund could be utilised for building infrastructure like hospitals and schools in the backward Muslim dominated areas.
“The MPs know how to utilise the MP’s fund. We do not need your advice in that matter,” Lalu Prasad said.