New Delhi : The Congress hit out at Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) chief Nitin Gadkari Friday, saying he should go to a psychiatric facility for the “obnoxious” remark that the ruling party was treating parliament attack convict Afzal Guru as its “son-in-law”.
“Obscenity, obnoxiousness, obtuseness should not be dignified by a response. It is very obvious that the esteemed president of the BJP has lost it completely. The BJP should take pity and deposit him in a psychiatric facility,” Congress spokesman Manish Tewari said here.
Addressing a rally in Dehradun Thursday, Gadkari had attacked the Congress over the delay in executing the death sentence of Afzal Guru.
“I want to ask Congress leaders is Afzal Guru your son-in-law…Why is he being given special treatment?” he had said. The BJP president said the Congress was a “party of people without guts” which could not fight terrorism.
Afzal Guru was awarded the death sentence for his role in the Dec 13, 2001 attack on parliament by a trial court in 2002. But he is yet to be hanged.