An alternative understanding of minority status and character

By Dr Wasim Ahmad,

The liberators of humanity from darkness to light and from emotionalism (jaahiliyyah) to extreme sobriety and reasonableness (hilm) have become bonded to their own misconceptions, conditioning effects, emotionalism and darkness. We were supposed to enlighten the conditioned and educate the ignorant. Now we are a pale reflection of our former self. We have changed the meanings of words and have changed our lot. The meaning and character of ‘minority character’, as an example, has changed beyond recognition.

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We were supposed to be the givers and have become only receivers. We were supposed to shun exclusivism and isolationist approach and we are reinforcing the same on a daily basis. We are passing it on to our younger generations just as we received the same from our elder generations. Those who were supposed to establish Universities for ‘others’ are fighting for the minority character of ‘their own’ University. We are living in the jails of our own making.

The “minority character” was to give more and demand less. The “minority character” was to guide the humanity along the Straight Path. But we are carrying out all those things which are the antithesis of the ‘minority character’. If we are truly aware of the ‘minority status and character’ we should entertain the students of other faiths in our Institutions even more – with the ‘abundance mentality’. Currently, we want just the opposite of that.

Let us stop counting the numbers and looking at ourselves only from the demographic point of view. Let us put a full stop at the drainage of our own (human and intellectual) resources. Let us combine and merge the two unfortunately divergent streams of knowledge into one. Let us initiate a debate on this subject involving the ‘Ulama.

Let us pass a different set of resolutions now onwards. Resolutions that resolve to give, too. The country is awaiting us to contribute our bit. Every nook and corner of the world is awaiting for the same. There is an unworded plea from everywhere to come to the mainstream. There is an unworded plea from everywhere asking us to shun our ‘centrifugality’ (markaz gureziyat).

Let us change the discourse. Let us give up the old jargons which are not taking us anywhere. Let us resolve to make the entire world a better world to live in. Let us not get lost in the flood of information. Let us try our best to “develop a coherent body of ideas and creatively reach out to the unknown”.

We have withdrawn in the shell of ‘minorityism’ and are enjoying the comfort of non-performance and not carrying out the most difficult job on earth – THINKING. There is no comfort greater than this comfort. This is a luxury that we love, live and die with. Generations after generations.

What should we do now? We should think of an alternative understanding of “minority status and character” when we come across this subject next time. We have to change our thinking and perception. More than and before anything else.

(The author is Dept. Head of Islamic Studies, Preston University Ajman, United Arab Emirates. Email:[email protected])