US sanctions terrorist group behind India’s Mumbai attacks

By NNN-Xinhua,

Washington : U.S. Treasury Department on Thursday announced sanctions targeting Pakistan-based terrorist organizations responsible for the 2008 and 2006 attacks on India, one day before President Barack Obama’s visit to India.

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The Treasury targeted the financial and support networks of Lashkar-e Tayyiba (LET) and Jaish-e Mohammed (JEM), prohibiting U. S. persons from engaging in any transactions with targeted individuals and entities and freezes any assets the designees have under U.S. jurisdiction.

Actions were taken against Azam Cheema, who helped train operatives for the November 2008 Mumbai attacks and was the ” mastermind” behind the July 2006 Mumbai train bombings carried out by LET.

The sanctions also targeted Hafiz Abdul Rahman Makki, head of LET’s political arm. Al Rehmat Trust, an operational front for JEM was designated for providing support to JEM, and Mohammed Masood Azhar Alvi, JEM’s founder and leader, was also designated by the sanction.

“LET and JEM have proven both their willingness and ability to execute attacks against innocent civilians,” said Stuart Levey, Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence.

“Today’s action – including the designation of Azam Cheema, one of LET’s leading commanders who was involved in the 2008 and 2006 Mumbai attacks – is an important step in incapacitating the operational and financial networks of these deadly organizations.”

Obama is to leave for a visit to India on Friday, and his first stop will be Mumbai.