Bangalore: Karnataka Chief Minister B.S. Yeddyurappa went into a huddle with legal experts and ministerial and party colleagues here Wednesday, minutes after Lokayukta N. Santosh Hegde submitted his report on illegal mining in the state.
State Advocate General Ashok Haranahalli was among the legal experts at Yeddyyurappa’s residence to study the recommendation that Hegde has made on his findings.
Hegde has slammed the chief minister for not checking illegal mining and allowing his kin to financially benefit from firms involved in illegal mining.
Yeddyurappa, the Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) first chief minister in the south, may be asked to quit by his party if Hegde has recommended his prosecution.
In a related development, V. Dhanajaya Kumar, former BJP central minister and the state government’s special representatives in New Delhi, said the Lokayutka report would be considered by the party core committee and a decision taken accordingly.
He was talking to reporters at the Bangalore airport before leaving for Delhi following summons from the party’s central leadership.