Mayawati resolution on Uttar Pradesh division passed


Lucknow : The Mayawati government managed to get a much-debated resolution for dividing Uttar Pradesh into four smaller states passed by a voice vote in the assembly Monday, taking full advantage of the uproar created by the opposition.

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Speaker Sukhdeo Rajhbhar also adjourned the house sine die barely an hour after it met for what was stated to be the commencement of the state assembly’s winter session.

Stormy scenes were witnessed. Terming the government as “most corrupt”, members of the opposition in both houses went on raising slogans against the Mayawati’s Bahujan Samaj Party government.

Within minutes of the commencement of the session at 11 a.m., almost the entire opposition rose up to unanimously raise the demand for the Mayawati government’s ouster, leading Speaker Rajhbhar to adjourn the proceedings for an hour.

No sooner did the house reassemble at 12.20 p.m. than the opposition once again resorted to slogan shouting. This came in handy for Mayawati, who tabled the resolution herself.

She quickly read out the brief and crisp resolution seeking the division of Uttar Pradesh into four states – Purvanchal, Paschim Pradesh, Avadh Pradesh and Bundelkhand – and within the next two minutes, the speaker declared it passed by a voice vote, which again remained inaudible in the din and noise in the house.

Thereafter, Parliamentary Affairs Minister Lalji Verma used the fast-track route to get two other key resolutions passed by the house.

The first was a vote on account for the government’s expenditure for the remaining part of fiscal 2011-12. Once this was done, a resolution for adjourning the house sine die came within seconds.

The manner in which the whole exercise was carried out also completely upstaged the opposition plan to bring a no-confidence motion against the Mayawati government.