Chinese premier, U.N. chief talk climate change on phone

By Xinhua

Beijing : Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao and U.N.Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon exchanged views on the issue of climate change in a telephone conversation Sunday.

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Climate change is now a common challenge to the whole mankind which should be actively responded to with close cooperation of the International community, with concerted efforts by all, under the framework of the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol, and in line with the principle of “common but differentiated responsibilities,” Wen said.

While taking the lead in sharply reducing emissions, developed countries need to assist developing countries in building their capacity to respond to climate changes, Wen said, urging developing countries to actively adopt effective approaches to make due contributions to responding to climate changes within their capacity.

The Chinese government has always attached great importance to the issue of climate change, and has adopted a series of energy-conserving and emission-reducing approaches in accordance with China’s strategies for sustainable development, achieving remarkable success, according to Wen.

The premier pledged that China would attend the U.N. conference on climate change in Bali, Indonesia, with a positive, responsible and constructive attitude and would contribute to enabling the conference to achieve its desired targets.

Speaking on the same occasion, Ban spoke highly of China’s active efforts on responding to climate changes, and expressed the hope that the Bali conference could make progress through concerted efforts by all the parties concerned.

Wen and Ban also exchanged views on Sudan’s Darfur issue.