It’s vivid expression of long-fed negative mentality: JIH

By staff reporter

New Delhi : Jamaat-e-Islami Hind (JIH)
secretary-general Nusrat Ali said the absolute majority gained by Bharatiya Janata Party in Gujarat Assembly elections is neither startling nor quite unexpected. He termed it as "vivid expression of the negative mentality" which has been inculcated in the Gujarati psyche in the last few years and which has
been telling badly upon the grand tradition of pluralism in the country.

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In a statement released here Monday, the JIH leader invited the Congress Party to brood over, while analysing the poll results, what steps it took during the last five years to promote secularism and pluralism and to fulfil its prerequisites, and also what measures it took
to solve the problems and issues confronting the minorities and other weaker sections that could have won their confidence.

The JIH leader also drew the attention of Gujarat chief minister and his party to keep in view the fact that only one party or one State is not the entire country as the action taken in the collective interest of the country and
her citizens is real well-wishing of the country.

"To neglect one section of the population or create problems for it would be in violation of the Constitutional provisions and against the greater interest of the country," he said.