Congress Manifesto: Salient features

Salient points of the Congress election manifesto:

* Spells out 15-point agenda for India’s socio-economic and political transformation.

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* Two-thirds of India’s population to be lifted to middle class bracket through a package of basic rights for all workers.

* Congress to focus on fiscal consolidation, price stability and growth.

* Foreign Direct Investment to be encouraged, especially in labour intensive sectors.

* Congress to appoint a special envoy on black money.

* 10 percent growth rate in the manufacturing sector to be ensured with a special emphasis on small and medium enterprises.

* The Goods and Services Tax Bills and a new Direct Tax Code Bill to be introduced in parliament and enacted within one year.

* Congress to ensure that risk of retroactive taxation is avoided.

* One trillion dollars to be invested over the next decade on upgrading India’s power, transport and other development infrastructure.

* Congress to ensure a bank account for every Indian within five years; easy loans up to Rs.1 lakh for women for livelihood activities to be made available.

* All towns and Gram Panchayats to be connected with high-speed broadband connectivity within 18 months.

* Skills training to be provided to 10 crore youth who will be then employed over the next 5 years. National Youth Policy aiming at developing leadership skill amongst youth to be envisaged.

* Focus to be shifted from ‘sarva Shiksha Abhiyaan’ to ‘Shreshtha Shiksha Abhiyaan’. Universal enrolment in secondary education also planned.

* The Communal Violence Bill remains an important commitment for the protection of minorities.

* Every single recommendation of Sachar Committee to be reviewed and efforts made for their implementation.

* Focus on women empowerment and fight for their security, self-respect and dignity, and equality. A Citizen’s Charter for Women’s security and safety to be envisaged.

* Fast track courts will be established with in-camera proceedings facilities in state headquarters and in regional centres.

* Legal protection and resource allocation for the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes to be enhanced.

* Passage of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Amendment Bill, 2013, to be ensured.

* Legal and institutional framework to be strengthened to protect children; working conditions of Aanganwadi and related workers to be improved.

* Governance reform to be accelerated including legal, judicial and electoral reform. Immediate passage of the Right of Citizens for Time Bound Delivery of Goods and Services and Redressal of their Grievances Bill to be ensured.

* Modernisation of defence forces by procuring the finest and most state-of-the-art equipment.

* Impetus on agriculture productivity by nurturing Public Private Partnerships.