Iran n-deal negotiations not with US, but with P5+1: Rouhani

Tehran : Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has said that his country is negotiating an agreement on its nuclear programme not “with the US Senate and Congress but with P5+1 group of world powers”.

Any agreement would include the lifting of “all sanctions,” Rouhani stressed while speaking at a ceremony on Wednesday held in the northern city of Rasht.

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The president’s remarks came after the US congressional Foreign Relations Committee unanimously approved a bill that obliges any agreement reached by the Obama administration on Iran’s nuclear programme to be reviewed by Congress.

“Current disputes between US Senates and their mercenaries have nothing to do with us,” Rouhani said, noting that Iran expects nothing but good will and respect.

The resumption of talks between his country and P5+1 (the US, China, France, Britain, Russia, plus Germany), scheduled for next week, “will focus on lifting of unfair and inhuman economic sanctions imposed on Iran,” said Rouhani.

He stressed that the agreement would “benefit the Western society, region and the Iranian nation.”

“You think that the Iranian nation only calls for lifting of economic sanctions but the fact is that your companies are much eager for this as all European, American and Asian companies are waiting for signing of a final deal,” he put forth.

The framework agreement struck between the P5+1 and Iran on April 2 would drastically reduce the Iran’s nuclear programme and place it under unprecedented monitoring controls to ensure its peaceful purposes in exchange for the lifting of sanctions.