London : A protest demonstration was held outside the offices of one of Britain’s right-wing tabloid newspapers Thursday to demand an end to the wave of inflammatory anti-Muslim articles.
The rally was staged at the offices of Northern and Shell, owners of the Daily Express, which has regularly published sensational front-page headlines, including ‘Muslims tell us how to run our schools’ and ‘Christmas is banned; it offends Muslims.”
Last week, the paper joined in the hysterical backlash against the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, suggested that there should be accommodation for some aspects of Sharia law, proclaiming that ‘Now Muslims get their own laws in Britain.’
The protest was organised by Media Workers Against the War (MWAW), the Muslim Activists Network, the British Muslim Initiative and Stop the War Coalition.
MWAW said that in the aftermath of the archbishop’s comments on religious and civil laws, the media and politicians had unleashed a “vicious wave of Islamophobia,” including from the ravings of the tabloid press.
According to the Institute of Race Relations, the National Union of Journalists (NUJ) in 2004 objected to pressure placed on journalists at the Daily Express to write a series of “anti-Gypsy articles.”