Mumbai : International internet protocol (IP) communications market leader Sonus Networks will expand Tata Communications’ global voice network’s reach and help in finding wireless and wireline infrastructural solutions.
Giving details of the tie-up, a spokesperson of Tata Communications said the two firms would work as a team to smoothen the transition from the existing network to a new IP network. The first phase comprises cities like Newark, Montreal, Toronto, Los Angeles, London, Madrid, Frankfurt and Singapore.
In addition to the delivery of IP leveraged communications solutions to businesses and consumers worldwide, Tata Communications will also be using Sonus’ Network Border Switch to interconnect the voice networks for seamless IP services across continents.
In an official communiqué, Tata Communications’ chief technology officer John Hayduk stated: “We have selected Sonus’ complete fixed-line trunking solution to provide its IP-voice services in nine cities across three continents. Sonus has helped us in building an extensive migration plan.”
In the same communiqué, president and CEO of the US-based Sonus Networks Hassan Ahmed lauded Tata Communications’ trans-oceanic network growth, stating: “The entire exercise is to lay down the foundation for the next generation network”.
According to the spokesperson, at present Tata Communications’ customer base includes more than 1,500 global carriers, 600 mobile operators, 10,000 enterprises, over 500,000 broadband and internet subscribers and around 300 Wi-Fi public hotspots.