By Manzar Bilal,,
“Urdu is one of the sweet languages of our country. It has played a vital role in freedom struggle. It has always been promoting communal harmony. Urdu writers and editors were put behind the bar by British government because they were writing on the importance of freedom and against British government in their newspapers and magazines.” said Bihar chief Minister Mr. Nitish Kumar.
He was speaking at a program held on the topic ‘Urdu Language and National Unity’ in Patna on Thursday.

He also said that Urdu is an integral part of the nation and one can not deny its importance in our peaceful society. So, it must be taught in each school on a voluntary basis.
What Mr. Nitish Kumar said is an undeniable fact that to teach Urdu in each school is an easy way to promote it. But it is also a truth that Urdu language is passing through a critical period and facing lots of trouble across the country including Bihar where it is second official language.
If honorable chief Minister knew the importance of Urdu, why he did not initiate for full implementation of it in government offices during his regime and why Urdu teachers were not appointed though many seats are vacant?
Reality is that after Mr. Jagannath Mishra no one came at the post of chief minister in the state who has shown his sincere efforts for the betterment of Urdu language. Therefore, with each day passes the situation is getting worst.
However, Mr. Ahmad Saeed Malihabadi, the editor of daily Azad Hind, Kolkata, urged Mr. Chief Minister that he should appoint Urdu teachers in every school so that people can learn it easily.
“Bihar was the first state which made Urdu second official language which was followed by some other states so; the state should come forward to make available Urdu teachers at every school” he said.
Reacting to this proposal Chief Minister Nitish Kumar asked on the occasion the Rajbhasha department secretary Girish Shankar and chairperson of Urdu Mushawarti Committee and famous poet Dr. Kaleem Ajiz to prepare and present a proposal to appoint Urdu teachers at every school. He also said that the schools should have a separate Urdu department and those who wish to learn the language should be able to take the course without having to transfer to other schools.
Program was organized by State Rajbhasha Department and Urdu Mushawarti Committee at conference hall of Taramandal, in Patna. The hall was thronged to its capacity with audiences.
It will be interesting to see that weather these promises made by chief minister would be seen on the ground ever or will remain only on the paper.
Other prominent political and social personalities who addressed the gathering were Dr. Kalim Aziz, Chandrabhan Khayal of National Council for the Promotion of Urdu Language, State Minority Commission chairperson Naushad Ahmed, Khuda Baksh Library Director Dr. Imtiaz Ahmed, and Patna University Pro-Vice Chancellor Dr. S. Ehsan.