US army reports killing, arrest of 18 terrorists in Iraq’s Sadr City


Baghdad : The US Army in Iraq reported that Coalition Forces captured 13 suspected terrorists with ties to extremist militia Special Groups in a pre-dawn raid Sunday in Sadr City.

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The statement on the MNF website said Coalition Forces conducted the raid to capture or kill highly-sought weapons facilitators with connections to the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps.

“Those detained are suspected of facilitating the transport of weapons and personnel from Iran into Iraq. They are also believed to have facilitated the transport of deadly Explosively Formed Projectiles (EFPs) from Iran into Iraq to be used against Coalition Forces.

The statement details that as the forces were departing the area, “they encountered and destroyed a light utility truck that posed a threat to the force.

“Coalition Forces attempted to signal the vehicle, however when the vehicle failed to respond, Coalition Forces fired on the vehicle with small arms fire.

“During the raid, Coalition Forces confiscated a computer hard-drive, documents, and photographs.”

The statement also reported more details on the incident and said “A Coalition air strike also engaged the same light utility truck, destroying the truck and killing an estimated three to five people in the truck believed to be terrorists.

“Coalition troops continue in their pursuit of unhelpful foreign influences here in Iraq,” said Lt. Col. Christopher Garver, MNF-I Spokesperson.

“Those foreign influences are hindering the prospects of peace and stability in Iraq, and we will continue to dismantle their networks.”

The US Army meanwhile also reported that an assault aircraft launched an air strike on a group of militants last Thursday and killed eight of them in Salahideen, north of Baghdad.