By Xinhua
Gaza : Ahmed Abdel Rahman, spokesman of Fatah movement in the West Bank said Sunday that early Palestinian general elections should be held right after Hamas ends its takeover of the Gaza Strip.
“The best way to end the current internal Palestinian crisis is to end Hamas coup against the legitimate Palestinian leadership and go for early presidential and legislative elections,” Abdel Rahman told Voice of Palestine Radio.
The Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) basically rejects holding early elections or ending its control of the Gaza Strip since it had ousted Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah movement and his security forces in the Gaza Strip in mid June.
Following Hamas take over of Gaza, Abbas sacked Ismail Haneya’s national unity government, and formed a caretaker government headed by economist Salam Fayyad in Ramallah.
Meanwhile, Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri in Gaza insisted that Hamas took control of the Gaza Strip “to clear it from chaos, disorder and corruption”, saying that Hamas accepts to resume dialogue with Fatah, “only under no preconditions.”
Hamas movement had overwhelmingly won the January 2006 elections held in Gaza and the West Bank. It was its first time ever to dominate a parliament and for a government since the movement was founded in late 1987.
“Hamas black coup against the legitimacy of the Palestinian National Authority had badly damaged the democratic process and the exchange of authorities through out democratic elections,” said Abdel Rahman.